Anal fistule laser is a safe and modern procedure that should be performed by a skilled and experienced general surgeon and laser surgery specialist. A low-power laser can be used for laser therapy to prevent the recurrence of fistule and a high-power laser can be employed for fistule surgery. A fistule is an abnormal connection between the internal organs of the body and the surface of the skin. Anal fistules are among the most prevalent types of fistules. Although fistules are conventionally treated by surgical procedures, the application of laser equipment in the treatment of some anorectal diseases, such as hemorrhoids, fissures, and pilonidal sinus, has expanded over the past two decades. Therefore, many efforts have been made to determine the efficiency of the fistule laser.

There is ample evidence of the positive effect of the anal fistule laser. Since the risk of anal incontinence after fistule laser is almost zero, unlike conventional surgery, this method has been employed more and more for the treatment of anal fistules. Here you can review the advantages and disadvantages of the anal fistule laser.
What is the procedure of the anal fistule laser?
The anal fistule laser is performed under general or spinal anesthesia and usually lasts 30 to 40 minutes. A fiber laser is located inside the fistule to apply a certain intensity of energy to the fistule. The laser energy destroys the fistule tunnel in a controlled manner. Fistule laser therapy can also accelerate the healing process. Another method of fistule laser is the use of a high-power laser, which allows the surgeon to delicately destroy and drain the fistule wall.
What are the advantages of the anal fistule laser?
The 5 major advantages of the anal fistule laser are as follows:
- The healing speed is significantly higher in the anal fistule laser than in other treatments of anal fistules.
- The patient will not experience fecal incontinence after the anal fistule laser because the sphincter is not affected during the procedure.
- This method can be used for treating complicated anal fistules such as recto-inguinal fistule (an anal fistule with prepubic space extension) and recto-gluteal fistule (an anal fistule that connects to the buttocks).
- This method can be used for treating anal fistules in patients with underlying diseases such as hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.

Does the anal fistule laser increase the risk of fistule recurrence?
Depending on the underlying cause of anal fistules, there is a risk of fistule recurrence after all treatments of this disease. The general surgeon employs certain methods and techniques to first remove the abscess that caused the anal fistule and then block the connecting tunnel by emitting a certain intensity of energy to the fistule tunnel through the fiber laser. Since this method completely removes the anal fistule, the risk of recurrence after this treatment is almost zero. Here you can find the answer to some common questions about the anal fistule laser.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about anal the fistule laser
1-How one may experience the anal fistule laser?
The anal fistule laser takes as short as a nap; it lasts about 30 minutes. You will not even feel the injection given to you by the anesthesiologist because a topical ointment is applied to the area before the injection to reduce the patient’s stress. Then you will not notice the measures and actions taken by the general surgeon and laser surgery specialist. However, you are fully conscious in a way that you can talk to your surgeon. You will be discharged from the clinic or the medical center after a few hours. You need to lie down on the back seat all the way home and rest at home for only one night. You will feel no pain because you are administered painkillers and anesthetics. As a result, you are recommended to take the prescribed painkillers on time to prevent pain and inflammation.
2-Is the laser probe inserted into the fistule?
Yes, the surgeon must insert the laser probe into the fistule tunnel to destroy the fistule tissue. Nevertheless, the natural tissue will regenerate to replace the affected tissue.
3-How will I feel after the anal fistule laser?
After the anal fistule laser, you drink some water and eat something whenever you are hungry. You will probably feel some pain after the operation that can be easily controlled with simple painkillers. You will be discharged from the anal fistule laser clinic after a few hours. Then you can lie down on the back seat all the way home. You should rest at home all night, and then you can start walking and your daily routines from the next day.
4-Is the fistule laser the definitive treatment of this disease?
Fistule surgery using a high-power laser is currently considered the most advanced and successful treatment for anal fistules. However, the success rate of this method depends on the surgeon’s proficiency and the surgical technique.
5-How much does the anal fistule laser cost?
The cost of the anal fistule laser depends on several factors such as where the procedure is performed (e.g. hospital, clinic, or physician’s office), type of laser, surgeon’s experience and proficiency, and disease progression.
6-Is it possible to treat all types of anal fistule using laser techniques and methods?
Some types of anal fistule cannot be treated by this method. You need to visit an experienced and proficient general surgeon and laser surgery specialist to gain detailed information about the fistule laser and see whether your anal fistule can be treated by laser surgery.