How to reserve Dr. Saadati online appointment?

Dear patients who want to visit Dr. Saadati online through WhatsApp can follow the steps below. We will assure you that all patient information sent in this way will be kept completely confidential, like any information related to the medical records of patients who visit Dr. Saadati in person. The images and information you send via WhatsApp will not be shared with any person(s) other than Dr. Saadati and her assistants.

Remote patients, the elderly, physically disabled patients, pregnant and lactating women, and children are recommended to use the online visitation plan. This is also more suitable to avoid overcrowding in the office during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Procedure for coordinating an online visit with Dr. Saadati

You can coordinate an online visit with Dr. Saadati, a general surgeon and laser surgery specialist, as follows:

  • Transfer the visit fee to card No. 5859831181127753 owned by Zahra Saadati.
  • Call the doctor’s office to announce the transfer tracking no.
  • You will be then provided with a WhatsApp account number for a chatting session. You cannot make a telephone call with Dr. Saadati through this phone number.

Then send the following information to the WhatsApp account and wait for a response during office hours.

  • Patient’s full name
  • Patient’s city of residence
  • Patient’s age
  • Explain your problem in a maximum of two lines
  • Are you bleeding or not?
  • Send an image of the payment bill
  • Take a clear photo of the affected area with your mobile phone and send it
دکتر زهرا سعادتی
دکتر زهرا سعادتی

دکتر زهرا سعادتی متخصص جراحی عمومی و لیزر، اولین بانوی جراح که لیزر بیماری های نشیمنگاه در یک جلسه را به طور تخصصی و حرفه ای در ایران آغاز نموده اند.
ایشان در سال 1378 موفق به دریافت بورد تخصصی از دانشگاه شهید بهشتی تهران شده اند و دوره های جراحی با لیزر پرتوان را ابتدا در روسیه و ترکیه و سپس در ایران سپری نموده اند. تلفن ثابت تماس با مطب با پیش شماره تهران 22761600 و 22766853 و شماره موبایل و واتساپ 09120052674

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